Intel x3100/GMA 965 and OpenSuSE 11.1

Written by vidarlo on 20090215 in english and Linux and software with 5 comments.

This is not needed anymore. Following these instructions might leave you with a non-working install

SuSE Gecko
OpenSuSE 11.1 works quite alright on Intel hardware, with one major quirk: 3D rendering is utterly broken. Or rather – it was when it shipped.

If you suspect you’ve got this problem, run glxgears from a terminal, and watch the output:

$ glxgears
1025 frames in 5.0 seconds = 204.958 FPS
1005 frames in 5.0 seconds = 200.824 FPS
1018 frames in 5.0 seconds = 203.526 FPS

If you get values around that, you clearly miss hardware 3D rendering… The effect is that X will consume lots of cpu, and everything will look sluggish.

Upgrading to working x3100-drivers for x11 is quite straight forward with zypper. Two commands is all you need:

$ sudo zypper ar X11
Adding repository 'X11' [done]
Repository 'X11' successfully added
Enabled: Yes
Autorefresh: No
$ sudo zypper up -t package -r X11
[lots of packages listed - press y to accept]

This will update your packages, including the x3100/GMA965 drivers.

Now, restart X, and you should have at least twice the frame rate in glxgears, and with almost no CPU usage from X. If you don’t experience this, you should run SaX2, either from YaST or the command line, and ensure that the box Activate 3D Acceleration at the bottom of SaX2’s window is checked. Restart X after exiting SaX2, and everything should be fine.

5 Responses to “Intel x3100/GMA 965 and OpenSuSE 11.1

  1. I should probably add that it is fixed in the versions in the repositories now, so a normal update should do.

  2. Hi,
    I faced the below problem with my installations of driver using above command:

    linux-icl3:~ # sudo zypper up -t package -r X11
    * Reading repository ‘X11’ cache
    * Reading installed packages [100%]

    17 Problems:
    Problem: xorg-x11-libXmu cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
    Problem: x11-input-wacom-tools cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
    Problem: x11-input-wacom cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
    Problem: xorg-x11-driver-input cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
    Problem: libdrm cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
    Problem: xorg-x11-driver-video cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
    Problem: Can’t satisfy requirement for xorg-x11-driver-video-7.4-142.1.i586[X11]

    Problem: xorg-x11-libSM cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
    Problem: xorg-x11-libXpm cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
    Problem: xorg-x11 cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
    Problem: xorg-x11-libXprintUtil cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
    Problem: xorg-x11-libXt cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
    Problem: xorg-x11-libfontenc cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
    Problem: xorg-x11-libs cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
    Problem: xorg-x11-libxkbfile cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
    Problem: xorg-x11-server cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
    Problem: Can’t satisfy requirement for xorg-x11-server-7.4-90.4.i586[X11]

    Problem: xorg-x11-libXmu cannot be installed due to missing dependencies
    There are no installable providers of for xorg-x11-libXmu-7.4-1.30.i586[X11]
    === xorg-x11-libXmu-7.4-1.30.i586[X11] ===
    xorg-x11-libXmu-7.4-1.30.i586[X11] will be installed by the user.
    glibc-2.6.1-18.i686 is needed by xorg-x11-libXmu-7.4-1.30.i586[X11] (/sbin/ldconfig)
    xorg-x11-libX11-7.2-75.i586 is needed by xorg-x11-libXmu-7.4-1.30.i586[X11] (
    xorg-x11-libXt-7.2-65.i586 is needed by xorg-x11-libXmu-7.4-1.30.i586[X11] (
    xorg-x11-libXext-7.2-65.i586 is needed by xorg-x11-libXmu-7.4-1.30.i586[X11] (
    xorg-x11-libXmu-7.4-1.30.i586[X11] is needed by xorg-x11-7.4-1.1.i586[X11] (

    Solution 1: do not install xorg-x11-libXmu
    do not install xorg-x11-libXmu-7.4-1.30.i586[X11]
    Solution 2: Ignore this requirement just here
    number, (r)etry or (c)ancel>

    I hope I will get a solution to counter this problem.


  3. In openSUSE 13.1 60.000 FPS. I do not know what to do.

  4. Petro: it is syncronized to screen refresh rate. This post is almost five years old, and the graphic systems have changed a bit.