Som Prinsesse Lea skriv, så er ølkulturen på frammarsj i Noreg. Positivt vil eg sei.
Øl-kultur og butikkøl.
Kvifor eg aldri vil bruke Vista
Kvifor skal vi finne oss i å bruke et system som vi ikkje har full rett til å bruke i framtida? Kva skjer den dagen MS ikkje finst lenger, eller vil tvinge oss til å oppgradere til Windows 2050 istadenfor Vista? Kva om dei slår av WGA valideringsserverene? Då blir ditt eksemplar av vista verdiløst.
Continue reading Kvifor eg aldri vil bruke Vista
Aids – processing slowly
AIDS is progressing slowly.
I’ve added some more code, and z0p have implemented template caching, to reduce overhead in the php scripts as they run.
Where the road lies next? I’m not sure. Maybe a complete forum services portal, with the following features: Continue reading Aids – processing slowly
GPLv3 i dag.
I dag kjem GPLv3 i endeleg utgåve.
Den vert lansert 12:00 EDT, noko som skulle tilsvare 18:00 norsk tid. Lanseringa vil verte streama via nettet, på Free Software Foundation sine nettsider. Continue reading GPLv3 i dag.
Keep the Core Neutral!
ICANN plans new Top Level Domains for the Internet.
It is important to give everyone equal oportunities to domain names, and domain names is in nature global, and should thus not be censored by ICANN according to american standards, or in favour of americans.
Continue reading Keep the Core Neutral!
My dislike of iptables.
Yes, iptables is extremly powerfull. According to some Linux with Iptables is even faster than BSD with PF. Continue reading My dislike of iptables.
Have you mooed today?
A image dump
I’ve lately been working on a public release of AIDS – AJAX Image Dump System.
We’ve got around to our first three public releases of this system so far, and I encourage you to have a look. Currently, it is only availvable in norwegian. English is on its way…