Being a geek, the opportunity to upload pictures straight from my cell phone (Android) to the web is a nice feature. I could of course use Dropbox or a similar solution, but that is boring, and I don’t get to decide the URL…
So welcome WebDAV.
Finding a good webdav client for Android took me most of the time. I eventually settled for Cloud Browser (€.99), which was the first one to work as expected, and the only one I found which integrated neatly on the ‘Share’ menu of the gallery, making upload easy. There are several free apps as well, but the ones I tried did not integrate / behave the way I want.
The only drawback is that Cloud Browser uses Basic authentication, and not Digest. If you’re using public WLAN’s it might be a very good idea to use https to access your webdav repository like me.
For the Apache part of things I added a WebDAV configuration, more or less as detailed in the apache mod_dav documentation.
<Directory /home/vidarlo/websites/> RewriteEngine off AllowOverride All Options FollowSymLinks +Indexes Order Deny,Allow Allow from All; Dav On AuthType Basic AuthName "WebDav" AuthDigestDomain /dav AuthDigestProvider file AuthUserFile /home/vidarlo/htpasswd require valid-user <Limit PUT POST DELETE PROPFIND PROPPATCH MKCOL COPY MOVE GET HEAD> require valid-user </Limit> </Directory>
This simply worked. I can upload pictures once I snap them, and I can sync files the other way too. Better than the dropbox for android, and I have control over my data… 🙂
Highly recommended system 🙂 If you’re lazy, you can always use the app mentioned with Amazon S3…